Thursday, April 16, 2009

Run-On Sentence Update

Poor neglected blog we'd better get something up here before there are more knock knock jokes I'm looking for jobs and hanging around i've read a bunch of Ender books this week someday I'll get them back to Geron we had a great time in Kentucky you can read about that at Jim's blog it was good seeing Jim and Tara and the kids and seeing Mom and Dad and they were fun to travel with I saw the Cubs lose to the Cardinals today at Wrigley Field it was a perfect day if you were in the sun we were cold in the shade so it was only a really good day my friend Tom had free tickets a few rows up behind home plate and invited me to join him his wife and our pastor I'm generally doing ok it would be nice to have a job but it is also nice to be free for a while we had good Easter and Good Friday services though not in that order I sang in the Easter choir I've applied for a couple of jobs locally but am having trouble finding something I am both interested in and qualified for tomorrow I'm going to Elkhart Indiana for a one day library conference I'd been registered for before the job disappeared I'm looking forward to it and travelling with my former coworkers Steve and I are considering a road trip to the Pacific Northwest in May once his semester is done if I don't have a job yet I guess that's an update is it hypocritical to eschew punctuation but still use apostrophes if you want to email me don't use the address it may get forwarded but there's no guarantee use Aloha y'all


Geron Brown said...

veryamusingreadingyourrunonsentencewhichended upbeingarunonparagraphhowdoyoulikemyrunonword?

Lydia said...

My confirmation word was just
Worgi. It reminded me of the swedish chef from the muppets. ANyhoo, can you make a road trip to chattanooga in your time off? Maybe you could look for jobs down here? No, seriously, I know you'd probably prefer to stay up there, but we would like to see you if you get a chance to travel.

Also, I wrote the run-on word, not Geron.

Jenn-Jenn, the Mother Hen said...

You can always come down to San Antonio and explore some more. I've got two extra bedrooms from which you may take your pick. have you tried for your job search? Believe it or not, the federal government has had lots of postings in the last little while for people with library/cataloging experience, and only a small percentage involve actually joining the military. Also, I've read in the news that Montana or Wyoming, don't remember which one, has a booming economy. Of course, Texas is one of the places where jobs are plentiful and the economy is doing just fine.

Jenn-Jenn, the Mother Hen said...

Oh, and thank you for posting an update!

Unknown said...

Of course, Rochester has jobs. :)

Jenn-Jenn, the Mother Hen said...

How about another update to let us know how things are going?

Burly said...

Now that you have your MA, you are actually more qualified for government jobs (like mine) even though the MA has nothing to do with a lot of the jobs. Look up on and search by Grade 9 and higher. Then make sure you go under qualifications to see if you might fit the criteria which is *often* experience OR education. A few jobs under this criteria in the Cleveland area, a few jobs (I'm sure) in the Chicago area and if you'd be willing to transplant to DC, Seattle, Denver, Cleveland or Jacksonville, my particular position (Workers' Compensation Claims Examiner) might be available. Lemme know if you wanna know more ...

Unknown said...

[Jim posting, not Evan]

How do you know what you will be "qualified for tomorrow"?

I don't get it.

Everett said...

Given that I don't expect that my qualifications will be much different tomorrow than what they are today I feel pretty confident that I know what I'll be qualified for tomorrow, even more so since that tomorrow was two weeks ago. The more salient point is that if I wasn't running on there would have been a period and maybe a paragraph break after "for".

Burly said...

Sorry, Jenn, didn't even notice that you already suggested usajobs in this thread.