Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Verse and Quote of the Day

Two in a row. Will there be a third? Stay tuned.

I'm glad Cora is doing okay. We had a good time at 3-D last night discussing Jesus as the Lion and the Lamb. If I never mentioned it we're doing a series called A.K.A. God. It's a study of what we can learn about God based on the various names and descriptions He uses in scripture. Last night's study was based on Revelation 5.

Verse of the Day:
"You open your hand;
you satisfy the desire of every living thing.
The LORD is righteous in all his ways
and kind in all his works.
The LORD is near to all who call on him,
to all who call on him in truth." Psalm 145:16-18 (ESV)

Quote of the Day:
"God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him." John Piper
That statement is at the heart of what Piper likes to call Christian Hedonism and is unpacked in his book Desiring God and its successors. It's been on my mind the last couple of weeks relative to my post about the weekend of the 16th and the ensuing comments. I was was supposed to go to a conference at Piper's church in Minneapolis this weekend but it sold out before I attempted to register. Instead I'll be hanging out with friends and watching a movie with the guys from my 3-D small group.


Jenn-Jenn, the Mother Hen said...

To quote Destiny, my 2 year old "adopted" daughter, "I'm so proud of you!" (She says this whenever she sees someone come out of the bathroom. She's currently being potty-trained and likes to repeat praise).

Anyway, two days in a row! I'm impressed!

Tooz said...

One of the neatest church services I ever attended, the pastor came walking into the back of the church, carrying a baby lamb. Right before he did that, a soloist sang "Lamb of God", and I could hear a lamb bleating. I figured it was a part of the tape for the song--it was so neat to see that real lamb and to think of how innocent and helpless a lamb is. Love you--talk to you tonight.