Thursday, June 11, 2009

Verse and Quote of the day

"For by me [Wisdom] your days will be multiplied
And years will be added to your life." Prov. 9:11 (ESV)

"We cannot know what God's purpose is in each event and every detail. But we can know that every event, each detail, is part of God's purpose. Everything is grace. Job's sores were grace. Job's abandonment was grace. Jesus' abandonment at the cross...was grace. Our abandonment is also grace." John Wimber, The Way In Is the Way On, p. 74

I'm really enjoying this book which is a collection of Wimber's sermons, articles, and book chapters about the life in Christ. It's dovetailing nicely with The Cost of Discipleship and with stuff I'm learning here on the build. I often find that I want to just quote whole chapters from both Wimber and Bonhoeffer.

1 comment:

Lydia said...

enjoying reading the quotes, verses and extreme build updates. Couldn't help but notice you still refer to Daddy as "Daddy". Cora's 2 1/2 and trying to call us "mom" and "Dad" and you're 36. "Daddy". (By the way, we correct her and make her call us "mommy" and "daddy". While you're visiting, ask her how old she's going to be on her birthday. She's trying to grow up too fast.)