Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas and a Poem

Aloha! Howdy y'all. I'm heading down to San Antonio tomorrow to celebrate Christmas with Mom and Daddy and friends. In the meantime I'm enjoying work. Tonight several friends and I went and saw Avatar which was amazing.

This is a poem I wrote for our church's Christmas Eve service.

The Shepherd’s Memory

The slumbering fields are filled with terror
The shekinah of God engulfs the watchmen.
Ancient uncreated light that shone on Moses
Shrouds the shepherds’ hearts in fear.

Fear not! the command, and their tremblings cease.
Peace! Not death. Peace and joy the news.
This night Savior, Messiah, LORD
The end of Herods and Romans and Sin born this night.

The Army of Heaven, fiery seraphim, mighty winged cherubim,
Host upon host rending the heavens in praise.
Glory to God in the Highest, Glory Glory Glory!
On Earth peace to those chosen in God’s pleasure.

The sheep abandoned, at rest in green pastures,
The watchers gone to see the truth lying in the manger.
Bethlehem stirs at the news of the light in the field,
At the coming of David’s son to David’s city.

An old man at the end of his days,
A life of darkness, herods, romans, and sin,
Hears a voice crying in the wilderness.
He lays down to rest in hope remembering,
“Glory to God in the highest and on Earth peace in God’s grace”.


Lydia said...

not finished reading yet, but had to say I'm so excited you're going down to San Antonio to see MOm and Daddy! I was worried about them being away from all their kids and you not getting to come to Tennessee to be with us or Ann. So so glad to know you all will be together! Have a merry Christmas tomorrow!
I love you, Bubba!

Lydia said...

Absolutely, beautifully written poem. I was just thinking today about what the shepherds must've thought when they saw the angel and their very wonder at the words "Do not be afraid. I bring you news of great joy. It is for ALL the people...a Savior has been born to YOU. He is Christ the Lord."

Tara said...

Like. :)

And I was struck by the poor sheep left alone on the hillside. I hope they had some young shepherd apprentices at least to help out.

WV: devinh, that poem must have had some devinh inspiration. Well done, Bubba.