Sunday, July 17, 2011

Karitos Worship Poems

I just finished the Karitos 2011 conference tonight. This year during the worship times when we were encouraged to participate in free unguided worship I chose to use the time to write. I'm not a dancer nor a very free ad hoc composer/songwriter/harmonizer, so I chose to do what I could to praise God. I ended up with several rough poems. These are the two that are the most finished.

The Syro-Phoenician Women (written Thursday night and based on Mark 7:24-30)

Was I a dog? Did it matter?
My little girl was locked in the power of evil.
He had the power to set her free.
He was a Jew and I should care what he calls me?
But he wasn't just a Gallilean passing through,
He was the one with the power of life and death.
He was the one who spoke and demons fled.
Was there any name he could call me and I would turn away?
He was my daughter's hope
And He was her salvation!
I'll be his "little dog."
I'll be his swine!
And I will proclaim his power forever.

Body Praise

Lord Jesus Christ, King of kings,
Lord of lords, God Most High,
Without whom nothing was made that was made.
In the freedom of muscle and bone
Ligament and tendon we will praise you.

Will the rocks sing and the trees clap,
Will the mountains and hills break forth
and skip like lambs
And our bodies praise only with the tongue?
Rather with leaping and twirling,
Bowing and throwing hands on high
They will exult in the freedom you give.
They will extol the glory that is yours from all time.

1 comment:

Jessica Dotta said...

Hi Erin,

I found your blog as I researched for a blog project. Would you drop a me a line, I think you might be interested in what I'm doing. bookgirl4 [at]

